Sunday, March 1, 2015

Week #28: He's ALIVE!!!! (An Email From His Trainer)

We have not received an email from Elder Buhler since October 9. Our last letter he wrote to us was dated in December. We didn't get to skype him at Christmas. Up to this time, he has been with his trainer, Elder Kim. They were the only two missionaries on the island of Marakei that has no internet. Elder Kim transferred to Tarawa and wrote us last week. I wrote him back and asked him how Jacob was doing with the divorce etc. He wrote back today and sent pictures. Apparently the island ran out of postage so Jacob has not been able to send letters. Elder Buhler is now with Elder Carrington, one of his MTC companions. 

He is doing awesome. He is happy.  He totally has immersed himself in the work.
He is trying his hardest to not let that [Note: referring to our divorce]  affect his work. I remember saying that he just doesn't want to deal with it. At the same time, he is dying to know how everything is going. The last letter he got from you guys was in the big package. You had mentioned that you were dating. He had mixed feelings about it.
I don't know yet if President Weir has let him know, but I remember him saying that he just doesn't want to deal with any of that at the moment.
Send him some more food! He is doing well with the food here, but he enjoys his mac & cheese and beef jerky. Haha.
Also, he was upset that he didn't get any letters from his dad. so if you could let him know...that would be great for Elder Buhler

He is doing awesome. Don't worry about him. He is being protected and watched over by our Heavenly Father.
Elder Kim

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